Fabienne Jouvin

French Artist Fabienne Jouvin studied at the Superior School of Applied Arts Duperré (1985). From her travels - from Tokyo to The Habana, from the streets of Paris to the sea bed of The Maldives back to her home in the Provence – Fabienne brings back sketchbooks, pads of notes, drawings and collages or what she has seen.

These spontaneous souvenirs form the inspiration for her designs and give rise to the creation of her collections. Her designs are executed as paintings, textile prints, porcelain decorations, cloissonés and other creations. For every design, she teams up with editors and craftsmen with exceptional know-how and matches their crafts with products’ technical requirements.

Famous pieces of her collections for Asiatides are the cloissonés, tea jars in copper that are decorated with the traditional, elaborative, cloissone technique. In this decoration process, first the complex metal framework is created, after which every individual little frame is filled with enamel paste and the pot is heated to it a vibrant and colorful appearance with a unique texture.

Fabienne Jouvin’s unique art pieces have been exhibited in musea across the globe since 1989.


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